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Healthy Food vs Nutritious Food

What is the difference between healthy food and nutritious food?

Basically, healthy food is food that provides energy and nutrients you need to be healthy. Healthy eats are easy: eat a variety of foods, including vegetables, fruits and whole grain products; eat lean meats, poultry, fish, beans and dairy products; drink lots of water; and limit salt, sugar, alcohol, saturated fats, and trans-fat in your diet. Diet being the way you eat on a daily basis.

Nutritious foods are foods that affect the health of the body. These are essential nutrients found in food that provide structural and functional components or energy to the body. Essential means they must be obtained from the diet because the body cannot make it in sufficient quantities to meet its needs. Nutrients include water, protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals.

Our body is made of water, along with bones, blood, muscles, and fat. Water carries nutrients to all parts of the body, carries waste out of the body and helps regulate body temperature. Women need an average of 91 ounces (11/8 oz. glasses) per day and men need an average of 125 ounces (15.5/8 oz. glasses) per day depending on their health. Some people need more, some people need less.

Protein is used to make and repair body cells. The body cannot store protein as protein, so protein needs to be eaten daily. Protein foods include chicken, beef, pork, lamb, milk, seafood, eggs, cheese, nuts, dried beans and peas.

Carbohydrates are the primary energy source for our bodies. There are two types of carbohydrates; complex carbohydrates (fiber such as whole grain foods (breads, pastas, fruits and vegetables) and simple carbohydrates (sugar, honey, jelly).

Fat is another nutrient; the most concentrated source of energy for the body. Fat protects our organs, keeps our body warm, carries fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and essential fatty acids.

We hear a lot about vitamins and minerals. Vitamins keep us healthy, prevent diseases, help us grow properly, use energy, and help our eye sight. Vitamins include A, Bs, C, D, E and K to name a few. Minerals such as calcium, iodide, phosphorous, fluorine, potassium, zinc and sodium plus, many more; help with bones, teeth and blood maintenance.

To maintain and develop a healthy body, the body needs both healthy foods and nutritious foods.