(402) 387-2844

Rotary Blood Drive scheduled for March 4

For a limited time, the American Red Cross is testing all blood, platelet and plasma donations for COVID-19 antibodies, providing donors insight into whether they have been exposed to this coronavirus. At the same time, there continues to be an urgent need for blood donations as hospitals resume surgeries and treatments that require blood products. Antibody testing will indicate

NCDHD COVID-19 Updates Public Service Announcement on vaccines

North Central District Health Department (NCDHD) has been made aware of 20 new COVID-19 cases in the district since last reporting period on February 18, 2021: 3-Antelope, 0-Boyd, 1-Brown, 7-Cherry, 5-Holt, 0-Keya Paha, 1-Knox, 2-Pierce, 1-Rock.

It would appear

It would appear that this broken tea pot is steaming up the window...but it’s actually Jack Frost at his finest! Photo by Laura Vroman.

Record setting cold takes out two transformers and SPP causes rolling blackouts

Cold weather is a part of winter, without a doubt, but -33 degrees? Actual degrees? Really? According to NOAA Weather, Monday, February 15, 2021 set a record low of -33, breaking the old record of -28 degrees set in 2007. So stay inside and keep cozy, right? Bake cookies, pies, a nice roast...but not with a power outage!? The Southwest Power Pool which controls the Midwest from North Dakota to the very top of Texas was having rolling power outages due to the demand on power...because of the extreme cold weather.

Cork Thornton Memorial Ice Fishing Tournament results

Over 30 different towns were represented from three states: Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming, that participated in the annual Valentine Chamber of Commerce Cork Thornton Ice Fishing Tournament, Saturday, February 20, 2021.

National FFA Organization Colors, Dress Code, Awards, Emblem and Creed

The National FFA Organization is a youth leadership organization that makes a positive difference in the lives of young people by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agriculture education. The FFA Motto is Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.

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