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Short Christmas Phrases to Remember

These short and snappy Christmas phrases will make your life easier as well as making your Christmas message super special. Home is where Christmas is.

5th Graders Share Their Thoughts on What Santa Does in His Spare Time

When Santa has spare time, I think he celebrates what he has made and what he has done. He probably celebrates with the elves and Mrs. Claus to make it more fun. Instead of staying at the North Pole to celebrate, Santa might go on a vacation, or go somewhere else because they are so used to being at the North Pole. Maybe he’ll have some hot chocolate and cookies or he’ll make snow angels and have snowball fights. I think Santa probably has fun no matter what he does and no matter where he is. That is what I think Santa does in his free time!

A Soldier’s Night Before Christmas

The Gift T’was the night before Christmas, He lived all alone, In a one bedroom house, made of plaster and stone. I had come down the chimney with presents to give, And to see just who In this home did live.

“12 Days of Christmas” What Does It Mean?

There is one Christmas Carol that has always baffled me. What in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and especially the partridge who won’t come out of the pear tree have to do with Christmas?

Name That Christmas Carol Quiz

During the Christmas season, there are many beautiful Christmas carols. Test your knowledge of these traditional songs by trying to answer the clues below: Clues 1.