(402) 387-2844


A Closer Look at Local Government, KBR Leadership Academy

This year’s class for KBR Leadership Academy met last Wednesday for their session that took a deeper dive into government. Despite the cold and snow outside the Internal Design building where they met in Springview, participants warmly greeted speakers to fill the day with breakout groups and discussions.

Capitol News

It’s a New Year and There’s a Whole Lotta New Going On Welcome to 2023, a new year with a whole lotta new going on at the State Capitol. There’s a new governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, auditor and 14 new state senators assuming leadership roles in the Republican dominated Nebraska government.

Legislative Notes

This is my last weekly update of 2022. The first session of the 108th Nebraska Legislature will be in session next Wednesday. First sessions are long (ninety legislative days). We have a new governor, and attorney general to be sworn in, along with sixteen new senators. Quite a few senior legislative staff positions will also see new people assigned to those roles. The learning curve for a lot of senior people will be quite steep.

Kat’s Korner

Sounds like the new year is going to greet us with cold temperatures and more snow. Typing this on Sunday, New Year’s Day, according to Weatherbug, it looks like we have some cold temperatures and snow (estimated anywhere from 6” - 18”) headed our way the first part of the week.

Sheriff’s Report

Brown County Report December 25 - 31, 2022 Sunday,December 25th Responded to a report of vandalism that occurred to an apartment window on Hall Street in Ainsworth. This is an ongoing investigation.

Multi-State Land Management and Leasing Workshop Planned for Midwestern Ag Producers

An upcoming four-part extension workshop for women in agriculture will focus on the basics of land management, leasing and conservation for landlords and tenants. “The Power of Negotiation and Communication: Land Leasing Strategies for Midwestern Ag Producers” program will be a 4-part series, held at ESU Training Center on Hwy.

Spot the Messenger: Observe Mercury

Most planets are easy to spot in the night sky, but have you spotted Mercury? Nicknamed the Messenger for its speed across the sky, Mercury is also the closest planet to the Sun. Its swift movements close to our Sun accorded it special importance to ancient observers, while also making detailed study difficult. However, recent missions to Mercury have resulted in amazing discoveries, with more to come.

Community Senior Center News

387-0777 Thursday, January 5th: Chili soup, cornbread, crackers, apricots, tomatoes and milk. Friday, January 6th: Liver and onions/beef, gravy, hashbrowns, mixed veggies, blushing pears, bread and milk.